Silver Dollar City has been in operation since 1960. Located in the beautiful hills of Branson Missouri, where once you enter the park you are now in the 1880s. This helps seal in a very family-friendly and wholesome vibe that permeates throughout the park. If you come to Branson you can expect a great collection of roller coasters, the best food of any theme park, dazzling shows, tons of family rides, an overwhelming amount of quality shops, and themed experiences. Silver Dollar City just does things a little differently than most theme parks.

Silver Dollar City: The top-tier Coasters
Silver Dollar City is home to seven roller coasters. Each one is very unique and offers something different. In the top tier, we have Outlaw Run and Time Traveler. These two are usually most people’s favorites depending on your specific taste. I find the coaster enthusiast usually prefers Outlaw Run while your average theme park goer will side with Time Traveler. Regardless of where your taste lies, both are world-class.
Outlaw Run is a wooden roller coaster by the incredible Rocky Mountain Construction. It made its debut in 2013 and was an instant hit. Wooden coasters had tried to feature inversions before. It is our opinion that Outlaw Run was the first to do it successfully. Whenever you make that first drop there is no catching your breath. One of the best things about this coaster is its double-barrel finale which has to be ridden to fully understand how great it is.

Time Traveler opened in 2018. This Mack Rides Xtreme Spinning Coaster was the first of its kind. It features one of the greatest first drops on any coaster. From there you take each element as your car spins. Which makes every ride feel unique. However, if you are like us and aren’t excited about the prospect of spinning out of control then don’t worry. These trains have a computer system that will only allow them to spin so fast. So you won’t just be spinning out of control. It also is one of the best-themed coasters we have ever seen.
Silver Dollar City: The middle-tier Coasters
These three won’t blow you away like the top two but Powder Keg, Thunderation, and Wildfire are still really great roller coasters.

Well, actually Powder Keg will try its hardest with its launch. This S&S compressed air launch goes from 0 – 53 in only 2.8 seconds! It may not be the fastest around but the rate at which you get up to speed feels incredible. After the launch, you will go through tight turns and some airtime hills. One of our favorite thing about Powder Keg is how forceful it is, but anyone over 42 inches can ride with an adult supervisor. If you have younger thrill-seekers then make sure and hit up Powder Keg.

Thunderation is a classic Arrow Dynamics Mine Train. It is one of the last ever built. This one is still a family coaster but it is rather intense for one. It has a Double Helix that is easily my favorite element of any of these kinds of mine trains! Off in the woods and almost completely out of sight this family coaster was only the second built for Silver Dollar City, but proves they always try to think outside the box with their coasters.

Wildfire might have the prettiest setting of any roller coaster we have ever been on. When you crest the lift hill it takes your breath away. However, it won’t last for long till you are dropping and getting flipped upside down. This B&M looper rides smoothly and shouldn’t be missed.
Silver Dollar City: Lower-Tier Coasters
Just because these are lower tier doesn’t mean they are bad. Silver Dollar City doesn’t have a bad roller coaster. There is first the very odd Fire In the Hole. We tend to not talk much about this one since I think the less you know the better for it. Will just say that it is a combination of dark ride/roller coaster. With old-fashioned charm seeping out of every crevice, I wouldn’t call Fire in the Hole a great roller coaster. Regardless of it being great or not you certainly won’t be forgetting it.
Last is the parks kiddie coaster called Grand Exposition Coaster. A Zamperla Gravity coaster that will please the younger kids. Adults who will squeeze into them should have some fun with it. This isn’t a bad coaster. Just not much to it. So this isn’t Outlaw Run, but it is a great way to introduce the youngest to the thrill of roller coasters.
Silver Dollar City has Other attractions for Thrill-Seekers.
Silver Dollar City is home to some other great flat rides that are not roller coasters. Our favorite is sitting right next to Outlaw Run called Giant Barn Swing. This is a Screamin’ Swing model.

The ride cycle is simple seeing as it is in a giant barn and it swings you back and forth. It does this pretty fast making this only for dedicated thrill-seekers. Next up we have Firefall. It is over pretty quick but this is such a rush.

You are shot up the tower getting great airtime on both launches upward. Last up would be Electro Spin. A Mega Disk’O” from Zamperla. Riders sit in one of thirty-nine bicycle seat chairs that look outwards into the park on one side. Then on the other is the beautiful forest. The disc spins, and at the same time, the disc moves up, and down a giant half pipe. It is a little more intense on it than it looks from off it.
Silver Dollar City has Fun for the Whole Family
Silver Dollar City is a family theme park. So they don’t invest as much into thrill rides as some of the other parks. Instead, the focus is on rides the whole family can do together. With a lot of things at this park, you will find they think outside the box. The park has a Swinging Bridge and even a Fun-House attraction. Which is great since neither has a line. The Fun-House is called Grandfathers Mansion. It is a very odd, but incredibly entertaining walk-through.

Water Rides
Silver Dollar City is home to a total of four great water Rides. First up is American Plunge. This is your classic Log Flume ride. It isn’t a bad ride but it is our least favorite of the three. The drop is great and they have a great viewing area so you can watch people get soaked but other than that there isn’t much to it.
Then you have the water/shooting dark ride in The Flooded Mine. This feels very similar to Fire in the Hole but with water and not a coaster. The shooting doesn’t work very well and you don’t get wet. Still, it is a blast no matter how you want to label it. Next up is Tom & Huck’s RiverBlast.

You get in a boat and go down a river. All the while shooting water guns at targets, other boats, and everyone else that may be walking by. On busy days this is so much fun. If the park is quiet then this ride can feel a little lonely. The Last and best water ride to discuss is Mystic River Falls.

Mystic River Falls is like a lot of water rapids rides you would find across every theme park, just turned up to 11. The rapids are tighter making your boat get a good spin as it traverses the course. The rapids have a very natural look to them instead of the man-made nature that others would have. But of course, the main event is the splashdown finale. Your boat is taken to the top by an elevator lift and then sent down the hill. It is a very cool element that will have everyone in your group laughing and cooling down.
A Train ride that shouldn’t be missed.
The park’s train ride is long. Way longer than most train rides at other theme parks. They even do a little show in the middle! It is hard to imagine any group not having a great time on the Frisco Silver Dollar Line.

No theme park can be complete without a bunch of ways to spin. Electro Spin, Fire Spotter, Magnificent Wave Carousel, Racing Regatta, and Royal Tea Party will get you dizzy. Our favorite of these would have to be Magnificent Wave Carousel.

With single seating on the outside and double seating on the inside, this Carousel will win over all who love to spin. The Tilt really ups the enjoyment factor.
Kid Rides
Silver Dollar City knowing it is a family park wisely invested in a bigger collection of kid rides than most theme parks. Here you will find just about everything. Significantly they are not just in one place. All over the park, you will find kid rides. That way parents with small kids don’t end up spending all day in the kid’s section of the park. The kid rides consist of Elephant March, Fire Wagon Frenzy, Firehouse Play Place, Happy Frogs, Ladybugs, Lucky’s Dizzy Dogs, Up The Ladder, and Wings of Wonder.

Our favorite of the kid’s rides is more a playground with Air Guns. Firehouse Play Place has three levels of fun interactions to have. We spent hours having fun in here the first time we went. That wasn’t just parents watching the kids. We also were having fun! This is more of that out-of-the-box thinking from Silver Dollar City.

Our favorite of the normal kid rides at the park is Lucky’s Dizzy Dogs. Kids and their guardians sit in a doggy car that jumps up and down while going around and around. It sits right next to the water and just has a great look and fun vibe.
The best food of any Theme Park
Silver Dollar City has the best food of any theme park we have ever been to. Some of my favorite restaurants regardless of them being in a theme park are here.

Some of the highlights are Rivertown Smokehouse and Crossroads Pizza. Most theme parks have restaurants like them just not anywhere near as good.

Our favorite place to eat while at Silver Dollar City is Molly’s Mill Restaurant. It is a family-style buffet. Everything is good there, but it is the endless fried chicken that gets us through the doors. If you only eat at one restaurant while at Silver Dollar City make sure it is at Molly’s. Desert is included with the meal!

The Deserts
Just like with the main food this park doesn’t disappoint. They have all the normal goodies. The funnel cakes are of course great. But there are two outstanding ones that you should try to hit up when in the park. First is Hannah’s Ice Cream Parlor. This isn’t some store-bought ice cream shipped in overnight. Instead, all of the ice cream is made fresh in the same building! You can watch them making the Ice Cream just to the left of where you order from. The quality really speaks for itself.

Though as good as the Ice Cream is we saved the best for last. One of my favorite desserts ever is at Clara Belle’s Cinnamon Bread. The Cinnamon Bread comes in a metal tin as a loaf. Loaded down with cinnamon. Then they drizzle Icing on the top. Lastly, they spread the bottom of the pan in this butter that I am sure is close to not being legal. Come for the coasters and stay for the Cinnamon Bread!

Live shows and demonstrations
Adding on to the list of things that Silver Dollar City just does right is shows and demonstrations. The shows will change all the time but as of at least this writing, there are funny shows, great concerts, even hymnal sing-alongs. Just about any age or taste range will find something to love about their shows.

You will also find metal signs, glass blowing, even paddling for gold demonstrations. Silver Dollar City really thinks outside the box in keeping you entertained. The shows are diverse and will keep you entertained.

Shopping at Silver Dollar City is not the same as shopping at a lot of other theme parks. Of course, they have some cool shirts for their roller coasters just like everyone else. What stands out to us the most is the amount of made-in-the-store merchandise. Like the shop that sells pottery. You can buy pottery in the store you can also watch it getting made inside the same store.

This is true of most of the shops in the park. Metal signs, leatherwork, glass blowing, and candy to name just a few. Because of our personal taste in shopping, we love Brown’s Candy Factory the most. No trip to Silver Dollar City would be complete without getting some made in-house fudge and peanut brittle!

Final Verdict
We love Silver Dollar City. It is the prettiest park we have ever been to. Has a great coaster collection and the food is unmatched. They don’t even charge for parking! About the only knock against it, we can give is that the park could use some more rides. The collection they have is quality, but if you only come for rides then this is a one-day park. However, we think that would be a mistake. This theme park is about way more than just rides.
Whenever we visit here we take our time and appreciate it. Kind of like an incredible meal you don’t scarf down. If you are a roller coaster enthusiast, or just someone that wants to have some quality time with the family then this is a must-visit park. Because of all these reasons Silver Dollar City on a scale of one to ten gets a Nine and a half.
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