Roller Coaster Enthusiast love American Thunder

Roller Coaster Enthusiast: Coaster Slang

Roller coaster enthusiast (Thoosie for short) are an odd bunch. I am speaking from first-hand knowledge. For most people, roller coasters are something fun that they do every once in a while at a theme park. To an enthusiast, roller coasters are one of the most important things about life. We’re either riding them or thinking about the next time we’re gonna be at a park riding them. Of course with any group of people who are so passionate about something communities are formed.

Roller Coaster Enthusiast Community.

Roller coaster enthusiast don’t just like thinking about it. We love talking with others about Coasters even more. Go to any Airtime Thrills video on YouTube and see how much discussion happens in the comments. Or go to Instagram and put #rollercoaster and find the number of people talking about them. We even join coaster clubs like ACE to make it official.

How to spot a roller coaster enthusiast.

  1. They will be wearing pants or shorts that have zippers on the pockets. There is no chance we are losing our keys in the loop.
  2. Enthusiast will all be standing around talking in indecipherable roller coaster slang in the line. If you ever hear a person in front of you say “buzz bars” or “PTC” chances are you’ve encountered Thoosie in the wild.
  3. Either a cell phone camera or a huge camera with a long lens out taking constant pictures of the roller coaster from every angle.
  4. They will be wearing a T-shirt of their favorite roller coaster. If you ask them about the coaster on their shirt be prepared for a long discussion.
  5. When getting their restraint locked they will not be over-concerned with it being tight. Usually, they are terrified that the ride op will staple them. That is because enthusiast love airtime.
  6. If you spot the person constantly critiquing how the ride apps are doing it and commenting on how they would do it differently than bingo a Thoosie.
  7. A grown adult on a kid roller coaster with no kid. That’s a big-time roller coaster enthusiast hustling hard for that credit.
  8. They will be carrying no loose articles. The only exception is the drink bottle. Because we spend all day and of course need to stay hydrated.
  9. As soon as the coaster is over they get back in line. Obviously, we need to ride it in the front and the back to see where it ranks.
  10. They will casually mention their Instagram or YouTube channel to you hoping that you will subscribe or follow.

Thanks For Reading

Oh by the way you can follow me on Instagram at If you have any questions or comments on Roller Coaster Enthusiast please leave them in the comments. You can check out Airtime Thrills on youtube here Also, you can check out more Coaster Slang Here.

Time Traveler at Silver Dollar City