Grandfather's Mansion has Grandfather hanging upside down.

Grandfather’s Mansion at Silver Dollar City

Grandfather’s Mansion has been in operation at Silver Dollar City since 1960. You don’t see a lot of Fun Houses at Theme Parks. Just another example of Silver Dollar City thinking outside the box. This Fun House is fun for all ages. Located at the front of the park. Right behind the general store on the main street.

The entrance into the mansion has a creepy zibe. Grandfather can be seen peeking out of a window.

Grandfather’s Mansion: The Good

We believe more parks should figure out more attractions that don’t require a line. No matter how crowded the park is, you are able to just walk in and have fun. When our family went, our young girls kept asking to go through it again. The no lines aspect really made it easy to say yes. Also, an attraction like this is so smart from a financial aspect to the park. They only have to open the doors. No worrying about staffing it and giving out breaks. So no matter when, you can always walk in and have some fun at Grandfather’s Mansion!

Every room in the Mansion offers a different experience. From Grandfather’s upside room to a hall of mirrors, and the off-balance room is great fun. During your walkthrough, you will notice lots of funny jokes. This is a fun house, not a haunted house. The whole vibe just works so well with what Silver Dollar City is going for.

The off balance room. Everything is at a tilt.

Grandfather’s Mansion: The Bad

The only issue I have with Grandfather’s Mansion is how much it messed with the adults. The kids seemed to have no issues. However, it really messed with the equilibrium of the grownups. This is only sort of a complaint since the point of this attraction is to mess with you. It did make it so that I had to limit the number of times we could walk through it as a family.

The exit of Grandfather's Mansion.

Final Verdict

Grandfather’s Mansion was a fantastic addition to Silver Dollar City. More theme parks need to build attractions like this. Because on a hot day this is great to just cool off! Certainly, it is time for a sequel. I would love the park to add Grandmother’s Mansion next! However, for this mansion, I wouldn’t change a thing. On a scale of one to ten, Grandfather’s Mansion gets a ten!

Thanks for Reading!

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Silver Dollar City Train