Roller Coaster Helix is pictured as the Finale of Ninja at Six Flags St. Louis

Roller Coaster Helix: Coaster Slang

A Roller Coaster Helix is an element on a ride where the trains will make a sharp turn in a 360-degree motion. The feeling of being pushed down into the seat is felt. Roller coasters forces come in two flavors. Positive G’s and Negative G’s. With a Roller Coaster Helix, you will be feeling the positive G’s.

Roller Coaster Helix variotions

The picture at the top of this post shows the Ninja’s Helix Finale at Six Flags, St. Louis. That would be a level helix. But to give a different sensation Roller Coaster designers can opt to go upward or downward with the element. However, this will have an effect on the momentum of the ride.

Roller Coaster Helix going downward

By far the most common way you will experience a helix is the downward way. That means since the coaster is actually going at a downward sloped angle that the coaster will be gaining speed the further into the helix it goes. Because of it gaining momentum as it goes this is often a very popular choice for the double helix. A double helix will just mean that it will turn in a 360-degree motion twice.

Going upward

An upward helix is a very intense element. Since you are climbing upward while experiencing the positive G’s it is much more intense than when level or downward. However, this does come at a cost. Since the trains will be traveling upward they will be losing their momentum the longer the element lasts.

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