Flying Dutchman has an old timey shopkeeper feel to it in its sign.

Flying Dutchman at Kentucky Kingdom

Flying Dutchman at Kentucky Kingdom has been in operation since 1990. Designed and manufactured by Intamin. Originally built for Kings Island in 1973 and then was later relocated. You step into shoes that rise up from the ground and swing into the air. Weird concept, but a very fun ride. Mostly recommended for families who like a moderate level of thrill.

Flying Dutchman at Kentucky Kingdom Experience

This ride is sandwiched between Thunder Run and Bella Musica. The line for this one is usually not very long. Even if it is, the ride has pretty good capacity and the line keeps flowing. You will need to be at least 42 inches to ride this one alone. Anyone between 36 and 42 can ride as long as they are accompanied by an adult. You will be kept safe by a seat belt. There is a bar to hang onto when the ride is in motion but it isn’t a lap bar that comes down to secure you. Once the ride attendant has checked all the restraints the swinging can begin!

Flying Dutchman at Kings Island spinning riders that are sitting in shoe cars.

The shoe/car will rise about 15 feet into the air and the ride will begin to spin. Even at top speed, it isn’t going super fast as to be very thrilling. The whole experience will last around a minute and a half. Your shoe/car will slow down and the ride will lower back down to the ground. When the ride has come to a complete stop the ride attendants will call out that you can unbuckle and leave the ride safely.

Flying Dutchman at Kentucky Kingdom: The Good

This is probably a ride we would care very little about if it wasn’t for its history and theming. Because this ride doesn’t go very fast or lift high off the ground. There is something about the fact that the car you sit in is shoe-shaped that makes a difference. It adds a level of charm to this ride. Also, the knowledge that this swing ride has been thrilling families since 1973 also adds something. Maybe this is our nerdy theme park bias coming out.

This ride has a couple of things going for it that we feel are usually problems at this park. First off is how kids can ride if over 36 inches. We have noticed unusually high restrictions in this park. Bluebeard’s Bounty and Breakdance are examples that younger kids should be able to ride with no issues, but the height restrictions prevent that. Good to see a ride that has a decent thrill factor that kids can ride.

Flying Dutchman at Kings Island with less restrictive height requirements allows younger kids to ride.

The other issue with Kentucky Kingdom is the lack of theming on rides. Cyclos and FearFALL are examples of great rides that could have used more theming. They have a great collection of rides, of that there is no doubt. However, they are usually presented as just simple amusement rides and not theme park attractions. There is just something that puts a smile on our face when we sit in a shoe that will swing in the air.

The Bad

We think that swings should have one thing going for it. Either go up really high or go really fast. If you do one of those things it will make the ride stand out. Flying Dutchman at Kentucky Kingdom does neither. That does make this a very run-of-the-mill swing ride.

The ride does feel a little short. Another 30 seconds or so of fun would have helped this. Maybe they want it shorter so that it is more appealing to families? Whatever the reason it does feel like it is ending just as it is getting going.

The ride has slowed down and is about to lower to the ground.

Final Verdict

Flying Dutchman at Kentucky Kingdom is a great vintage addition to the park. While we admit that on paper this ride shouldn’t stand out, there is just something charming about this one. Its less restrictive height requirements and wonderful theming help make this a ride that you need to experience. Because of these reasons, Flying Dutchman at Kentucky Kingdom gets an eight and a half out of ten.

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Roller Skater at Kentucky Kingdom