FearFALL at Kentucky Kingdom

FearFALL at Kentucky Kingdom

FearFALL at Kentucky Kingdom has been in operation since 2014. Designed and manufactured by Larson International from their Super Shot Line. This flat ride brings you up 129 feet and drops you at speeds of 45 mph! Very short but still one of the best rides in the park. Should please all high-thrill-seekers. This was a replacement for the park’s old drop tower. When Kaitlyn Lassiter and the Superman Tower of Power Accident would leave them without a drop tower for 8 years.

FearFALL at Kentucky Kingdom experience

Located very near the park’s entrance. On the opposite side of the path from Breakdance. Riders must be at least 48 inches in order to ride. The ride attendant will assign you a seat number. We recommend trying to get a different section each time so you can get a different view of the park and the surrounding area with each ride. You will be kept safe by an over-the-shoulder restraint that has an attached belt. Once the ride attendant has confirmed that all restraints are secured the fun can start!

FearFALL at Kentucky Kingdom has riders getting their restraints buckled with a clear view of the control panel.

The seats will raise at a pretty good pace up the tower. Do your best to keep your eyes open and scan the horizon. It is really beautiful up there. Then with no warning, the ride will drop! This lasts about 2 seconds and then will glide the rest of the way safely back to the ground. Once the restraints have been unlocked, you are good to exit the ride safely.

FearFALL at Kentucky Kingdom: The Good

Chances are any drop tower you have ever seen is an Intamin. The park’s prior Superman Tower of Power was an Intamin. However, with FearFALL at Kentucky Kingdom, we didn’t expect much. It is shorter and less intimidating looking. We are glad to report that we were very wrong.

This one doesn’t dangle you at the top so you can catch your breath. The moment this hits the top of the tower it drops. This feels way more intense than other drop towers we have ridden. Maybe because you are going upward and then the sudden reversal of the drop makes it more intense? Otherwise, we don’t know why one would feel so much more intense than another one.

Riders look terrified right when the ride is starting to slow down.

We are never big fans of the over-the-shoulder restraints. However, with this ride, we will make an exception. First, it fits more comfortably than others. Also, it gives a little leeway at the shoulders so that you aren’t glued to your seat. When you drop you can feel yourself float in the seat. Usually, we say a successful restraint is one that doesn’t get in the way of the experience. With this ride, we think it actually helps to make it better.

The Bad

There is only one real valid complaint about this ride. But it is the same drawback that every single drop tower is going to have. The actual ride only last about 2 seconds. It is a great 2 seconds, but still, after waiting in a line for this short of an experience it can feel anti-climatic.

On the nitpicky end of things is the complaint about a lack of theming. Though we think that is a valid complaint about almost every ride at Kentucky Kingdom. The line has nothing but railings. The entrance sign is as basic as it gets. Nothing on the tower itself or the area surrounding it does anything to enhance the experience. This feels in execution like an amusement ride and not a theme park attraction.

FearFALL at Kentucky Kingdom has one piece of theming which is a very basic entrance sign.

Final Verdict

FearFALL at Kentucky Kingdom is a fantastic addition to the park. This is the best drop tower we have ever ridden. That drop took our breath away on the first ride and then every time after it as we began to marathon this gem. The drawbacks are either baked into the ride type or nitpicky enthusiast-type stuff. Any thrill-seeker who loves the feeling of free-falling will love this ride. Because of these reasons, FreeFALL at Kentucky Kingdom gets a nine and a half out of ten.

Thanks For Reading!

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