Cyclos at Kentucky Kingdom

Cyclos at Kentucky Kingdom

Cyclos at Kentucky Kingdom has been in operation since 2015. Designed and manufactured by Zamperla from their Discovery Revolution line. This is built for entertaining thrill-seekers. In our opinion, this is the most intense flat ride that the park has to offer.

Cyclos at Kentucky Kingdom Experience

You will need to be at least 48 inches tall in order to ride. All of the line sits right up next to the action. This is one of those rides that intimidates those waiting to experience it. As long as you don’t chicken out then you will be assigned one of sixteen seats. You will be kept safe by the over-the-shoulder restraint. As a safety redundancy, you will also have to buckle a seatbelt that buckles to the restraint. Once the ride attendant has checked the restraint the intensity can begin!

Cyclos at Kentucky Kingdom running at full speed. The faces of people who are second guessing this can be seen.

Cyclos at Kentucky Kingdom will begin to swing back and forth. It will eventually gain enough momentum to fully invert. It will dangle you upside for a good ten seconds! While it is swinging back and forth the seats which will also rotate around in a circle. Each cycle lasts a little over two minutes. When it comes to a full stop your restraints will be unlocked. Those who are still able to walk straight can exit the ride safely.

Cyclos at Kentucky Kingdom: The Good

Just walking through the park and seeing this thing running is extremely intimidating. It only gets worse the closer you get. This may not be the most intense ride we have ever ridden, but it is certainly in the top 5! Even early in its cycle before the ride has even gone vertical you can feel a great number of forces on your body. This will only increase further into the ride. When you are hanging upside down for what feels like forever it is just truly awesome.

Cyclos at Kentucky Kingdom early in its ride cycle.

If that above paragraph sounds great to you then this is your ride. A flat ride this intense will not be for everyone. We love and give extra points to any attraction that is for hardened thrill-seekers. Seeing as we are hardened thrill-seekers we love it! But it bears mentioning that even we felt a little sick after this was over. We had to take a good hour or so break from rides waiting for nausea to go away. Again we think that is a good thing. This isn’t one we will ride every time we go to the park, but more on days when we really feel like going for it.

The Bad

Besides its intensity being a double-edged sword there is little to complain about here. Either you will like this vomit machine or you won’t. If we dig deep we could complain about the ride’s capacity. It only seats 16 per cycle. This can make for long lines but we don’t think it would benefit from more seats. The more seats the bigger the ride would have to be. The bigger it is the less intense it would be. The tighter the circle the more forces that you will feel. However, that doesn’t mean that the wait for this is pleasant.

The ride is at a vertical angle with the big Ferris Wheel visible behind it.

Also, the seats are not very comfortable. While it is unpleasant it is also probable for the best. You need to not be wiggling around here for safety reasons. You will be flung every which way and hung upside down. So yes the restraints aren’t comfortable but we cannot see a way of fixing that wouldn’t also end up altering this ride’s experience.

Final Verdict

Cyclos at Kentucky Kingdom is a great addition to the park. This is for sure not for everyone. Only those who enjoy a little self-torture should line up for this. Its benefits and drawbacks will either make you want to ride this or not. We doubt that this ride will have a casual fan. Either you want to experience something this intense or you won’t. However, it is fun to watch off the ride. Every ride cycle you will see that one poor soul who got talked into it. That is always good for a laugh if you are into that kind of thing. Because of these reasons, Cyclos at Kentucky Kingdom gets a nine out of ten.

Now dangling its riders upside down. Clouds and the sun are visible along with the lift hill of Lightning Run.

Thanks for Reading!

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Lightning Run at Kentucky Kingdom