Bumper Cars at Kentucky Kingdom

Bumper Cars at Kentucky Kingdom

Bumper Cars at Kentucky Kingdom have been in operation since 2014. Designed and manufactured by Soli of Italy from their Bumper Cars line. These are the perfect family attraction. The ability to get into a car and hit things just never get old. But of course, it is done in a family-friendly and most importantly, a safe way.

Bumper Cars at Kentucky Kingom Experience

Drivers will need to be at least 48 inches tall. However, anyone 42 inches or taller can be a passenger. There isn’t much of a line for these. So unless it is snaked out the station the wait for these is usually pretty low. Once inside the structure, you can choose which car you want. You will be kept safe by a lap bar and not a seat belt. Which is very unusual for a ride like this. Once the ride attendant has checked everyone’s restraints the Bumping can begin!

Bumper Cars at Kentucky Kingdom have a slick look and comfortable appeal to them.

When the vehicle start moving you can start bumping everything in sight. This is one with the concrete divider which we always think helps with the flow of the ride. The ride duration is about 2 minutes at which time the vehicles will lose power. Once the car has come to a complete stop your lap bar will be unlocked. You can now exit the ride safely.

Bumper Cars at Kentucky Kingom: The Good

Bumper Cars are usually a legacy attraction at most parks. The fact that these were added in 2014 means they are in great shape. The cars themselves look really sharp and even the seats are comfortable. It is great to see a park with a new installation of these theme park must-haves.

Bumper Cars at Kentucky Kingdom in motion with lots of bumping going on.

We have always preferred these to have the concrete divider. Especially in the smaller installations like this one is. It helps there not be as much congestion as there otherwise would be.

These cars go at a decent enough speed. Sometimes we think parks get nervous about telling people to crash into each other and so slow them down. Here they go at a decent enough pace to make each bump fun. Also, since it is a smaller installation of this ride there is tons of bumping and laughing going on!

Because of the size there are still some traffic jams.

The Bad

The size does ensure that there is constant bumping but it does mean that fewer cars are in the fray. This has the effect of always hitting the same people and slows down the line. There are always tradeoffs. We like some aspects of these smaller installations but ultimately the much bigger versions of these are more fun. That might be why the park didn’t put much of a line because they knew how slow the capacity was going to be.

The theming is next to nonexistent. Even the name is as generic as it gets. This type of thing probably doesn’t matter to most, but to nerds like us it matters. There is just something more fun with better art on the wall and a funny name to boot. Like Rough Riders at Holiday World.

Before the ride begins the ride ops will help separate some of the cars.

Final Verdict

Bumper Cars at Kentucky Kingdom are a great addition to the park. This is one ride type that we think is essential to a complete theme park experience. This installation has great-looking and comfortable cars. The no-theming and size are the drawbacks. Because of these reasons Bumper Cars at Kentucky Kingdom get a seven out of ten.

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