Rough Riders at Holiday World

Rough Riders at Holiday World: Theodore Roosevelt and bumper cars

Rough Riders at Holiday World has been in operation since 1976. The park’s bumper car ride delivers all that you should expect. Almost everyone is going to love these great bumper cars.

Rough Riders Experience

Rough Riders is located towards the front of the park, right next to Liberty Launch and Firecracker. The line can get pretty packed at most times of the day. We recommend you get to this one early or later in the day to avoid the wait. Long lines may not be fun, but they are usually the sign of a great ride. Once it is your turn to ride, you can pick from any of the Cars. Drivers must be at least 48 inches, but the passengers can be 42 and above. Once the ride attendant has checked the restraints then it is time to get bumping!

Rough Riders rink has cars themed to horses.

Once the ride begins it is your job to do your best Theodore Roosevelt impersonation and bump into the other cars or horses in this instance. You will have about two minutes to inflict as much damage as you can. Once all the vehicles come to a complete stop, you can undo your safety restraint and exit the vehicles.

Rough Riders: The Good

Bumper Cars cost quite a bit to operate and maintain. The trend is that there are fewer and fewer of these in theme parks. So whenever you see one, we recommend you stop for a ride. We have never had a bad ride on any Bumper Cars ride. Rough Riders will never give you a boring time.

Rough Riders having a great time.

Our favorite thing about these Bumper Cars is the incredible theming. Having a Bumper Cars ride themed to the US President Theodore Roosevelt is just genius! Also, the cars look great! Way better than bumper cars from 1976 has any right to look.

The Bad

The rink is pretty small. Now, this can lead to a lot of fun crashes but can also lead to traffic jams. We have ridden this a couple of times, and it does seem that more traffic jams happen on this model than usual. They did add in the divider line, which tends to help.

One of the many traffic jams that happen on this ride.

Final Verdict

Rough Riders is a fantastic addition to Holiday World. Bumper Cars never get old. From young to old, anyone in your group will love this ride with the perfect theming added to make the experience even more fun. That is, as long as traffic jams don’t get in the way. Because of these reasons, Rough Riders at Holiday World gets an eight and a half out of ten.

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