Simply Spooky Storytelling

Simply Spooktacular Storytelling at Six Flags St. Louis

Simply Spooktacular Storytelling at Six Flags St. Louis is a themed experience for kids. Located in Sound Stage #2 right next to Spinsanity. Kids can sit and have a spooky story read to them.

Simply Spooktacular Storytelling Experience

The readings are almost every hour when this is operating during Fright Fest. They are able to sit on mats on the floor of the stage. The room is bathed in blacklight with a bunch of old props from the Scooby-Doo Ride helping to set the mood. Two actors sit on a couch and read the story from a book. They will banter back and forth throughout. Each child will receive one bag of candy.

The actors sit on a couch and read from a book in Simply Spooktacular Storytelling.

Simply Spooktacular Storytelling: The Good

While this is a rather simple setup it works well. The kids have fun with it. The actors are usually making the most of it and even encouraging the kids to get into the spirit of it.

The set is decorated with all those Scooby-Doo props which help as well. The atmosphere is perfect. It is spooky without being scary-looking.

The sets are built from old Scooby-Doo props.

Lastly is the Candy! Our kids for some reason want to hit this one up every time we go. They get a story read to them, we get to sit in a comfortable room, and in the end, they get candy. Which we may or may not sample ourselves.

The Bad

There is nothing bad about this. It is a very simple show. So as long as you understand that it isn’t a show like Love At First Fright then all will enjoy it.

Simply Spooktacular Storytelling has kids sit on mats on the floor.

Final Verdict

Simply Spooktacular Storytelling is always fun during Fright Fest. While it may not be a big show, it is great for its target audience. The candy at the end being given out serves as a great finale! Because of these reasons Simply Spooktacular Storytelling gets an eight out of ten.

Thanks For Reading!

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