Musical Carousel at Kentucky Kingdom

Musical Carousel at Kentucky Kingdom

Musical Carousel at Kentucky Kingdom has been in operation since 1990. Designed and manufactured by Chance Rides from their Carousel line. This ride takes the genius step of replacing the standard horses and replacing them with Musical instruments to ride on. This will charm anyone walking past it and will surely please its target audience.

Musical Carousel at Kentucky Kingdom Experience

Musical Carousel is located inside the kiddie section called King Louie’s Playland. It sits right next to Flutterfly and Rock n Roller. Riders must be at least 42 inches in order to ride alone. However, anyone under 42 inches can ride with an adult supervisor. There are no safety belts to worry about. Once the ride attendant has checked that everyone is secured the fun can begin!

Musical Carousel at Kentucky Kingdom sign is basic as the ride is in the background.

In Ride experience, this works just like any Carousel. It plays music and spins around at a mild pace. The ride will last around one minute and then will begin to slow down. Once the ride has come to a complete stop, you are able to exit the ride safely.

Musical Carousel at Kentucky Kingdom: The Good

While the ride experience is pretty standard, it is the look and theme that make this so enjoyable. The first time we walked into King Louie’s Playland and saw this, we were stopped in our tracks. The idea of having kids sit on musical instruments is just genius. The whole ride is exploding with musical props. The floor looks like a piano! Just an amazing-looking ride!

Musical Carousel at Kentucky Kingdom lets you sit on musical instruments like a Tuba.

We love any kiddie ride that allows adults to get in on the fun. Adults can either stand with their child on their instrument or sit in one of those tea-cup-looking seats. This will help many families create long-lasting memories together.

The Bad

There are some missed opportunities here. For a ride themed to music there isn’t much actual music playing. Music should be pouring out of this! Also wouldn’t it be awesome if kids could add to the music by hitting a button on their instrument? The ride has the look down solid but they just didn’t finish through on the full potential this ride has.

Final Verdict

Musical Carousel at Kentucky Kingdom is a good addition to the park. It is one of the better-looking kid’s rides we have ever come across. Totally worth it for that alone. The ride experience is standard and that isn’t a bad thing. After all, carousel’s are a staple of theme parks for a good reason! However, we do feel that they didn’t follow through on what this could have been. Still, its target audience will love this. Because of these reasons Musical Carousel gets a seven out of ten.

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Bella Musica at Kentucky Kingdom