Jump Around at Kentucky Kingdom

Jump Around at Kentucky Kingdom

Jump Around at Kentucky Kingdom has been in operation since 2014. Designed and manufactured by Zamperla from their Jump Around line. Riders are able to jump on the backs of frogs and leap around on this great kiddie ride. This one is mostly for the younger kids.

Jump Around at Kentucky Kingdom Experience

Jump Around is located inside the kiddie section called King Louie’s Playland. Sitting right next to Whirl-A-Round Swings and Rock-A-Bye Swing. Riders must be at least 36 inches in order to ride. Adults can ride in the back if they also want to experience this. A seatbelt will keep you safe as you are hopping. There is a bar to hold onto, but that is stationary, and not a safety device. Once the ride attendants have checked all the restraints, then the jumping can begin!

Once the ride starts up the frogs will begin to run in a circle. The ride gets its name from the jump that happens once per cycle. After this jump, the Frogs will bounce up and down on a spring. The ride duration will last around one minute. When the ride comes to a complete stop you are able to unbuckle and exit the ride safely.

Jump Around has six frog's total.

Jump Around at Kentucky Kingdom: The Good

This Jump Around model is becoming pretty standard for the kiddie section at theme parks. We think that is for a good reason. These offer a simple yet thrilling experience for its target audience. Watching the kiddo’s faces when their frog starts bouncing up and down never gets old.

The vehicles are just plain cool. These frogs are pretty much the standard for this ride type, but again we think it is for a good reason. The novelty of sitting on the backs of smiling frogs adds something to the experience. Good theming will always make a good ride better.

Lastly is the fact that adults can also experience this. We will always give extra points to any kiddie ride that adults can experience with their kids. Theme park rides are better experienced together. Jump Around allows you to keep the family fun going!

The Bad

We have no issues with this ride. It likely won’t be anyone’s favorite ride. So we aren’t saying this is going to blow anyone away. But this just means that Kentucky Kingdom didn’t do anything to this ride that we would consider a mistake.

The ride has a simple structure that does the job.

Final Verdict

Jump Around at Kentucky Kingdom is a great addition to the park. It offers a fun experience for its target audience. That is younger kids. With a thrilling experience and good theming this is just a great kid ride. We have no complaints. Because of these reasons, Jump Around gets an eight out of ten.

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