Scream Extreme at Kentucky Kingdom

Scream Extreme at Kentucky Kingdom

Scream Extreme at Kentucky Kingdom has been in operation since 2018. Designed and manufactured by Zamperla from their Endeavor line. This is for inversion junkies and high thrill-seekers. However, just those that like riding alone.

Scream Extreme Experience

Scream Extreme is located just about halfway into the park. Just past 5D Cinema and before Roller Skater. The line is usually not bad for this ride so no need to rush here at the park open. You must be at least 48 inches in order to ride. You will be kept safe by an over-the-shoulder restrain that also has a belt attached to it. Once the ride attendants have checked all the restraints the fun can begin!

Scream Extreme at Kentucky Kingdom at its midway point flipping riders upside down.

The ride will start off spinning. Once it has some decent speed the structure will begin to rise up. Eventually, everyone will be getting flipped upside down. Then at the same pace it lifted, it will begin to lower down to the ground. When the ride has fully come down it will start to lose its speed. After the ride has come to a complete stop the ride attendants will release your restraints. You can exit the ride safely.

Scream Extreme: The Good

Scream Extreme is a very intense ride. When it is low on the ground you will have good G-Forces pressing down on you. At its midway point, you will go upside down about 6 times in a row! This ride really brings the intensity.

The restrains on this Zamperla Endeavor help speed up the process. The Restraint lowers on you at the press of a button at the control panel. This is good since it will stop when it has resistance. This means that you will be safe but this won’t staple you so hard that it is uncomfortable as happens a lot when ride ops push down on your restraint.

Scream Extreme at just about half way into the cycle.

The ride looks really sharp. The color scheme really makes it stand out. Whenever you are close to this ride you will see tons of people standing around watching it. Great-looking rides always have this happen. It looks even better at night time.

The Bad

We have only one complaint with this ride and it is a big one. We think that theme park rides are so much better when experienced with your group. This flat ride has single-row seating only. This ride type can be purchased with double seating but Kentucky Kingdom opted for the budget model. There is just something joyless about riding a ride like this while sitting by yourself.

The ride just getting started with others watching it off ride.

Final Verdict

Scream Extreme is a good addition to the park. If you like inversions and intensity then you are going to love this. However, we find it hard to give this one a high recommendation with the single-row seating. Because of these reasons, Scream Extreme at Kentucky Kingdom gets a six and a half out of ten.

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