Raging Rapids River Ride

Raging Rapids River Ride at Kentucky Kingdom

Raging Rapids River Ride at Kentucky Kingdom has been in operation since 1999. Designed and manufactured by Intamin from their River Rapids line. This kind of ride should offer some mild thrills and get you wet. We are sad to report that this is not going to happen on this dud of a ride.

Raging Rapids River Ride Experience

This ride sits in the back portion of the park. Sandwiched between the hot mess T3 and Eye of the Storm. We advise you to hit this one up early since if any line at all forms, it will take a very long time. Anyone 42 inches or above can ride alone. However, anyone 36 inches and above can ride with an adult companion. A seat belt will keep you safe. Once the ride attendants have checked all restraints the fun (or lack thereof) can begin!

Riders leaving the station into the river rapids.

Once the boat leaves the station you will encounter some very awkward theming, mild rapids, and some light showering. The ride will last about 5 minutes and you will be back at the station. Once the boat has come to a complete stop a ride attendant will let you know you can undo your restraint and exit the ride safely.

Raging Rapids River Ride: The Good

The only nice things we have to say about Raging Rapids River Ride are stuff that is baked into the experience. The circular boats that you sit in are fun for interacting with others in your group. Also, it can be nice on a hot day the misting you will get it nice.

Rides like this are magnets for families. We are glad that the height restriction is low enough that between 36 and 42 inches can ride with adult supervisors.

The Bad

We really don’t ask for much in a ride like this. Make sure we get reasonably wet and have the rapids be mildly thrilling. Raging Rapids River Ride does neither. The best part of rides like this is when the boat will hit the rapids. For that, you need a downward incline and have a device underwater that churns the water. Your boat hits it and water rushes into the boat. Nothing like that happens on this ride. It is mostly level and the rapids will barely rock the boat.

Even if your rapids got built on level ground making it hard to have great rapids, they can still make it fun by soaking people in other ways. Be it from water canons, showers from above, going close to waterfalls, or any number of things. There is barely any of that either. There is a waterfall but you don’t get close enough for anyone to get wet.

Raging Rapids River Ride has the riders coming back into the station.
Notice how no one is wet.

Theming with no point

When going through the course you will see tons of theming that make no sense with the ride. About midway through there is a structure with statues and a waterfall. Also towards the end, there is a tunnel with some dynamite and other props. The first time we rode this, we were so confused at what the heck any of that had to do with a ride called Raging Rapids River Ride.

Six Flags used to own Kentucky Kingdom. They themed this ride to the Batman villain, The Penguin. Penguin’s Blizzard River was a fitting name for this ride. Now all the theming makes sense. But then the question is what is it still doing there? The park had two options to go with. Tear all the theming out and make it a generic River Rapids ride or leave the theming and make their own story. Instead, the park did the middle option of making it generic but leaving the theming standing.

A building outside of Raging Rapids River Ride has a very Gotham vibe to it.
Even the station has a Gotham City vibe to it.

Maybe this point is stuff only nerds like us care about. Theme park nerds like us can be a little nitpicky when it comes to this stuff. So if this kind of thing means nothing to you, then you can just ignore it. But we don’t think anything makes up for the fact that the ride is dry and boring.

Final Verdict

Raging Rapids River Ride is not a good addition to the park. If you are at Kentucky Kingdom and want to ride a good water ride we recommend Mile High Falls. This ride doesn’t do anything right. Only recommended for families that have younger kids. They will still get a kick out of this. We just cannot recommend this ride to just about anyone else. If the park would retheme it to their own characters and add in some extra water cannons then they could have something here. As it stands now this is a dud. Because of these reasons Raging Rapids River Ride gets a three out of ten.

Thanks for Reading!

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