Himalaya at Kentucky Kingdom

Himalaya at Kentucky Kingdom

Himalaya at Kentucky Kingdom has been in operation since 1990. Designed and manufactured by Reverchon Industries from their Superbob/Musik Express line. This spinning flat ride has a decent amount of theming and enough thrill to please thrill-seekers.

Himalaya at Kentucky Kingdom Experience

Himalaya at Kentucky Kingdom is sandwiched in between Bumper Cars and 5D Cinema. Unless the park is very busy, this ride is usually a walk-on. Riders will need to be at least 48 inches to ride. A seatbelt and also a lap bar will keep you safe. Once the ride attendants give an all-clear then the spinning can begin!

Himalaya at Kentucky Kingdom has three younger kids having a good time going over one of the bunny hills.

Himalaya at Kentucky Kingdom will spin around in a circle with bunny hills throughout to give little pops of airtime. At first, it’s pretty slow, but this will keep building up steam with each rotation. After about 30 seconds it is going full blast. That full blast will make it so that you are pressed pretty hard into the corner of your vehicle. The ride duration is about 2 minutes, and then the ride will come to a complete stop. Once the ride attendants have unlocked the restraints you are good to exit the ride safely.

Himalaya at Kentucky Kingdom: The Good

The pops of airtime you get on the bunny hills are very good. Nothing crazy like you will get on Lightning Run or Storm Chaser but for a flat ride, this is well done. When the ride is at full speed it gave us a good little shock at the force of them.

In addition to the airtime is the good amount of force you will get from the spinning. Since the ride is in a constant spin you will be forced pretty hard into the left side of the car. The more speed, the more intense that force is. This is one of those that looks pretty fast from off-ride, but it is deceiving. It feels much faster when on it.

We appreciate the attempts at theming. This isn’t Disney-level theming obviously, but this park is below average in this category. We are guessing that the ski-lift has fallen and you are now falling down the mountain? Whatever the logic we like it.

The cars you sit in look like ski-lift carts and pictures of snow and people skiing are all around the structure.

The Bad

Flat rides are made or broken by how good of a variation of forces they can offer. Do one thing over and over and it gets boring. Himalaya at Kentucky Kingdom rides a very fine line of almost being boring. The bunny hills save this ride. Still, there is no denying that this ride has worn out its welcome by the time it is over. We wouldn’t say that this is a bad ride. Just not one that we ride very often when at the park.

Final Verdict

Himalaya at Kentucky Kingdom is a decent addition to the park. It is thrilling enough to please thrill-seekers with its intensity and airtime. However, that still cannot fully make up for its lack of variation. Some decent theming does help to save this one. Because of these reasons, Himalaya at Kentucky Kingdom gets a six out of ten.

Satisfied riders waiting for the restraint to unlock so they can exit safely.

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Breakdance at Kentucky Kingdom