Peanuts Turn Tyke at Worlds of Fun is an old school kid's ride.

Peanuts Turn Tyke at Worlds of Fun Review

Peanuts Turn Tyke at Worlds of Fun has been operating since 1987. An old-school kid ride lets kids gather into cars and motorcycles and spin around the structure. It should please most of its target audience, but this is a lesser addition to the amazing Planet Snoopy.

Peanuts Turn Tyke at Worlds of Fun Experience

Peanuts Turn Tyke at Worlds of Fun sits towards the back of the park in the Planet Snoopy section, next to Kite Eating Tree and Charlie Brown’s Wind-Up. Long lines are rare but if they do form, beware of this line. Riders must be between 36 and 54 inches to ride. A Safety belt will keep all riders safe. Once the ride attendant has checked all restraints, it is time for the fun to begin!

Peanuts Turn Tyke at Worlds of Fun with all six vehicles filled.

As the cycle begins, all the vehicles will spin around the structure. There are no bumps on the track or anything to add variation to the experience. The ride duration is around a minute and a half. Once the ride has come to a complete stop, the attendant will give the all-clear. Then, they can undo the restraint and exit the ride safely.

Peanuts Turn Tyke at Worlds of Fun: The Positives

All of the vehicles are well maintained. Especially considering how old this ride is. From the classic type cars to the old-fashioned motorcycles, they have all been well taken care of.

A charming yellow car gives off a Dune Bug feel

Also, the wide selection keeps things fun. There are six different vehicle options to choose from, and none of them repeat in style or color. The young kids in your group can have fun sitting in all the different choices.

The Negatives

Peanuts Turn Tyke at Worlds of Fun offers nothing different or better than the other rides in Planet Snoopy. There are tons of car rides in the park, and they all have variations that make them more fun than this. This is one of the oldest rides in this kid section. Unfortunately, it seems that time has made this ride mostly obsolete.

There is not even an attempt to theme this ride. The park gave it the Peanut’s name but then did nothing with it. None of the characters are featured prominently on the structure or the cars. It feels like to us that the park knows this is a lesser offering and so chose not to invest in any theming for it. It’s a shame since good theming can make a mediocre ride into something special.

The structure is very small. The six cars go around an a lit-up pillar in the middle.

This ride has no variation in motion at all. Only six vehicles go around a small circle with no changes in direction, no hills, and nothing besides turning. There is nothing here that leads to a fun experience.

Final Verdict

Peanuts Turn Tyke at Worlds of Fun is a starter ride. This one will only be for the younger members of your group. They might have fun with the cool cars and bikes. However, we think most will want to ride one of the many different and better in the kid section because this seems a step above a ride outside a grocery store. There is nothing wrong with the ride other than just not doing much. We doubt your kids will hate it. More than likely, they will be indifferent to it. Because of these reasons, Peanuts Turn Tyke at Worlds of Fun gets a four out of ten.

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All of the cars feel like they are from the 1930's.