Prowler at Worlds of Fun entrance has a mean cat pouncing on the sign.

Prowler at Worlds of Fun Review: A Wooden Masterpiece

Prowler at Worlds of Fun has been operating since 2009, designed and Manufactured by Great Coasters International (GCI). The park’s second wooden roller coaster and its seventh coaster overall. Prowler’s stats aren’t impressive, with the biggest drop being just 85 feet and a top speed of 51 mph. However, despite no eye-popping stat to point to, we can assure you that Prowler will blow you away. It is the best coaster in the park and one of the best in the country. 

Prowler at Worls of Fun getting a train loaded and ready for disbatch.

Prowler at Worlds of Fun Experience

Prowler sits about halfway into the park in the Africa section past Zulu and before Boomerang. The line doesn’t often get too stacked. Still, riding it early or later in the day is wise to avoid the long line. Riders must be at least 48 inches to ride. You will be kept safe by a lap bar and a seatbelt. Once the ride attendant has checked all restraints, the fun can begin!

Prowler at Worlds of Fun ascending its lift hill.

The train will dispatch into the woods and do a little turn into the lift hill. The classic click-clank sound will accompany your rise to the top. This leads to a 180-degree twisted drop is how Prowler sets the stage. From here, the coaster is hauling into the woods. No more big hills come; instead, it is low to the ground with violent changes in direction. There is no time to catch your breath until the ride comes to the final break run and back into the station. Once there, the ride ops will give the all-clear, and your lap bar will unlock. Then, you can remove your restraints and exit the ride safely.

Prowler at Worlds of Fun: The Positives

Since this coaster jostles you hard, it is so important that the trains are comfortable. They run with GCI’s Millennium Flyer trains with a comfortable lap bar and excellent padding. With less comfortable seats, this would be an unpleasant experience. The padding below and to the sides of you helps absorb some of the impacts that accompany the twisted track. Millennium Flyer trains also have a just about perfect lap bar. It helps keep you safe without causing hurt or discomfort.

The track seen from the train. Twisty and surrounded by the woods.

We think every wooden coaster is better when they are secluded. You can see almost none of this coaster from walking around the park. The only way to catch a glimpse of its twisted track is to ride the Worlds of Fun Railroad. Riding Prowler gives the sense of isolation from being in a theme park, but with how this is secluded, you cannot see any other signs of other coasters or rides while it is roaring about the track. Being away from everything gives Prowler one of its best positives: how legendary the night rides are!

Coasters after dark feel more out of control. None more so than Prowler! First time riding this we loved it. Yet it became one of our favorite coasters from riding it in the dark. This ranks up there with The Beast at Kings Island, Ohio, as one of the most remarkable coaster experiences when riding this after the sun goes down.

The Negatives

There is not much to say here. This coaster does everything it sets out to do well. You could complain that it could use a steeper first drop, but then that would mess with all the elements that come after it since it would have to be retooled to burn off that momentum. If you have a valid negative on Prowler, add it to the comments because we think this is just about as perfect as they come.

The coaster ascending its lift hill about ready to do its first twisty drop.

Final Verdict

Prowler at Worlds of Fun is an absolute blast of a coaster. Focusing on speed and staying low to the ground sets this apart from the other coasters in the collection. It benefits significantly from an out-and-back, secluded layout in a Missouri forest. The coaster is terrific in the day but shines ever brighter at night. We find no flaws in this crown jewel. Because of these reasons, Prowler at Worlds of Fun gets a ten out of ten!

Thanks for Reading!

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Another shot of Prowler ascending its lift hill.