Peanuts 500 at Worlds of Fun has the speedway set up with the Peanuts characts racing in the background.

Peanuts 500 at Worlds of Fun: Great Kiddie Ride

Peanuts 500 at Worlds of Fun has been operating since 2011, designed and manufactured by Zamperla from their Speedway model. Start your engines and get ready to race with sharp turns to keep it exciting. Perfect for young thrill seekers and an adult companion. 

Peanuts 500 at Worlds of Fun Experience

Peanuts 500 at Worlds of Fun sits towards the back of the park in the Planet Snoopy section, next to SNOOPY’S™ Rocket Express and Flying Ace Balloon Race. While this can attract a lot of riders, it is rare to wait in a long line. Riders must be 36 inches to ride alone, but anyone under 36 can ride if an adult accompanies them. You will be kept safe by a seatbelt. Also, you can hold onto a bar that sits around chest level. Once the ride attendant has checked all restraints, it is time to fire up those engines!

Peanuts 500 at Worlds of Fun has eight cars total that can sit two per car

As the cycle begins, the race cars will go around a track. Then at each end, the vehicles are whipped hard to face the other direction. The ride duration is about a minute and a half. Once the ride has come to a complete stop, the ride attendant will give the all-clear. Then, you can undo the restraint and exit the ride safely.

Peanuts 500 at Worlds of Fun: The Positives

The theming for this ride is spot on. Letting kids sit behind the wheel of a race car and giving them a sense of being out of control pays off. Planet Snoopy has some rides where the kids have more fun. Peanuts 500 is one of those rides.

Great theming would only go so far if the ride didn’t bring the excitement. On each side of the track, the cars are whipped hard to the other direction. This element is thrilling for the kids. Giggles and yelps of joy are constants at Peanuts 500, even more so when an adult sits in the passenger seat.

Father and Son having fun just about to be whipped through a turn.

We will always give extra points to any kiddie ride that lets adults in on the fun. We think showing off your race car skills is better with Mom or Dad sitting next to you! This ride is one of the best for making memories with your little ones. But, of course, it would be even better if another adult could snap pictures of the experience.

The Negatives

Any ride that does one thing repeatedly will lose some of its replay value. While the kids will enjoy this one, it isn’t often one they want to do over again. For that, attractions need some variability. It would be complicated with this model to change things up. However, if there were hills on the track or some cars could face backward, that would help. Maybe they could even make some right turns if the speedway was bigger to help shake up the experience.

The track isn't very long. Just the length of four small cars.

The track being small is another negative. It makes any vehicle ride better if it feels like you went somewhere. Here the length of the pavement is only about 20 feet long. We love this ride and wish there was more of it.

Final Verdict

Peanuts 500 at Worlds of Fun is one of our favorite rides in Planet Snoopy. This ride truly shines when an adult rider is in the passenger seat. Our favorite thing about this attraction is the theming, which makes the whippy turns even better. While no ride is perfect, the negatives here are just nitpicky. Like it could be longer and with some variability, but just about every kid will love their race. Because of these reasons, Peanuts 500 at Worlds of Fun gets a nine out of ten.

Peanuts 500 at Worlds of Fun with Mamba towering in the background

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