Frightful Falls at Holiday World has a big entrance sign. Not common for this park.

Frightful Falls at Holiday World

Frightful Falls has been in operation at Holiday World since 1984. This is the park’s log flume ride. While it doesn’t have much to add to this theme park classic, it is a fun ride.

Frightful Falls at Holiday World Rider experience

Frightful Falls can be hard to find. If you can locate The Legend Roller Coaster you will see the Frightful Falls sign and arrows pointing to how to get to it. Once you get through the queue line then you will be able to board one of the logs. Anyone over 36 inches is allowed to ride with an accompanying adult, but as long as you are 48 inches then you can ride alone. Each Log will sit 4 riders.

Frightful Falls at Holiday World station.

The boats are loaded in a never-stop method. It means that the boats will continually move while you are boarding. Though in the station it is pretty slow and easy to get in. Once the ride begins you will enter a pitch-black tunnel. Once the log emerges from that you will make an extended U-Turn to the signature Log Flume finale big hill. After the splashdown of the big hill, you make another U-Turn back to the station.

Frightful Falls at Holiday World: The Good

Starting off the ride immediately into a pitch Black Tunnel is really unique. We mean it is pitch black! You cannot see anything for about 20 seconds. Then of course just as with every Log Flume Ride the drop is fantastic. There is something unique about the feeling of a drop from a ride of this type. Frightful Falls at Holiday World will provide a pleasant experience and cool you off on a hot day.

Something of note is that this ride doesn’t have the typical track that almost every ride of this kind sits in. Instead, it is concrete that has been dug into the ground. Your log follows the natural terrain. Which is a benefit because the park never has to worry about replacing track or repaints. But following the natural terrain does have a negative side effect.

The Bad

That negative side effect is a mostly boring ride. When Arrow Dynamics introduced the Log Flume it was meant to be a type of water roller coaster. Nothing too crazy since they were meant for families. But they should be exciting and then have a splashdown finale. Frightful Falls got the finale right but the rest of the ride offers very little.

Frightful Falls at Holiday queue line.

If they aren’t going to thrill you, then they could have at least upped the theming. Imagine crocodile animatronics lining the ride. We loved the tunnel when we first rode it till we figured out that it wasn’t going to do anything. The ride just meanders at a very slow pace the entire time till the finale.

Final Verdict

Frightful Falls at Holiday World is an okay ride. We still enjoy it but there just isn’t much here. This isn’t a bad ride just not anything special. Because of these reasons, Frightful Falls at Holiday World gets a five out of ten.

Thanks for Reading!

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The Voyage Roller Coaster at Holiday World