The Legend Roller Coaster has been in operation at Holiday World since 2000. Designed and manufactured by Custom Coasters International (CCI). The park’s second coaster builds upon and improves on their past success with Raven. More of a spaghetti bowl than an out and back design gives this coaster a very distinct structure. This one is sure to please anyone that likes a good wooden coaster.

The Legend Roller Coaster Experience
Once you walk underneath the Legend sign and into the queue you will head down some stairs. From here you will either be able to make a left turn to the station or into a lot of waiting switchbacks. In our experience, this one rarely gets a huge line. So you should be at the station rather quickly. The station is lightly themed to Sleepy Hollow from where this coaster takes its theming from.
The Legend Roller Coaster has classic Philadelphia Toboggan Company trains. Those trains have twelve rows to choose from. Once sat down you will be secured by a lap bar and a seatbelt. As your train is dispatched one of the ride ops will ring a school bell by pulling on an old-fashioned rope. It gives off a good ominous vibe as you are sent out into the structure.
What The Legend Roller Coaster has to offer
Wooden coasters are usually known for their airtime hills. The Legend Roller Coaster does things a little differently. It does have a good first hill but from there it is rarely about the hills. You are constantly being flung from one side of your seat to the other as the trains traverse sharper and sharper turns. This builds to one extremely intense finale in the Double Helix. If you are sitting in the back this element is crazy intense.

The Legend Roller Coaster: The Good
The variety of elements that the Legend throws at its riders is pretty awesome. The amount of variance in turns, tunnels, and drops keeps you guessing what is around the next bend. The Legend doesn’t actually feel like a coaster from CCI. Instead, it feels like more like the kind of coasters that Great Coasters International (GCI) would go on to be famous for. Twisted first drops and never a straight track.
This all leads to incredible pacing. There is no catching your breath on The Legend Roller Coaster! It is element after element, taken at intense speed! Also, we just love how compact it is. You are constantly interacting with other parts of the structure. It is hard to know what is to come or if you had already gone through that portion. Truly great stuff.
Lastly is how long this coaster is! Indeed this is something that all of Holiday Worlds coasters get right. But depending on your tolerance for how rough The Legend Roller Coaster is, this could either be a good or a bad thing.

The Bad
We only have one complaint about The Legend Roller Coaster. It is this one reason that prevents this from being one of the best coasters ever made. The Legend Roller Coaster is very rough. Even by wooden roller coaster standards. The Back is the best row for feeling all the forces this has to offer. However, we hesitate due to just how much this shakes around. It makes for a most unpleasant experience. It is less rough the closer to the front you go. Yet it will also be less intense the closer to the front you go.
It doesn’t ruin this coaster. We actually like this one a lot. However, Legend is rough even by the normal wooden coaster standard. Holiday World takes extremely good care of its coaster collection. This ride doesn’t seem rough due to neglect. Wooden coasters that have elements like Legend do tend to age faster.

Final Verdict
The Legend Roller Coaster is a great roller coaster as long as you can handle how rough it is. While this is a coaster we love it is not one we could ever marathon. But with its fast turns, tunnels, and dips we really love riding this coaster on our way to The Voyage. Because of these reasons The Legend Roller Coaster gets a 7.5 out of ten.
Thanks for Reading!
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