Buzzsaw Falls at Silver Dollar City

Buzzsaw Falls at Silver Dollar City opened in 1999. It was designed and manufactured by Premier Rides as the first prototype of what they called a Liquid Coaster. Originally it was set to open on May 16th but that got pushed to July 3rd due to technical issues. However, that would be just the beginning of the problems for Buzzsaw Falls.

Buzzsaw Falls at Silver Dollar City Builds a new Prototype

Silver Dollar City‘s planned this as their third roller coaster. The park had already designed the in-house built Fire in the Hole, and with Arrow Dynamics for Thunderation. They wanted something unique and we’re willing to spend some extra cash for it. Reportedly the amount of $7 million is what they gave Premier Rides for this new prototype. You will see a lot of Silver Dollar City‘s attractions that they are trying to give new experiences. That is the case for Buzzsaw Falls. This time it seems to have cost them.

Buzzsaw Falls Experience

The ride would start off more or less like a typical log flume-type ride and then eventually transition into a fast-paced roller coaster. The finale of the coaster section would be a splashdown. Reports from the time state that this ride only operated around 50% of the time. However, to their credit, those who did get to ride this spoke highly of it.

Buzzsaw Falls was innovative

I commend Silver Dollar City for trying something new. This is the same park that built the inverting wooden coaster by RMC with Outlaw Run. When Outlaw Run first debuted it was truly unlike anything else. They were also the first to introduce a Mack Rides, Xtreme Spinning Coaster. This is one of the greatest amusement parks in the entire world. They truly do swing for the fences. The good news here is that they were able to salvage something.

The Legacy lives on

Powder Keg, a compressed air launch Coaster from S&S took its place. This has become a favorite of the park guest. Interestingly when you ride Powder Keg it has that very odd lift hill towards the end of the ride. That is because Powder Keg uses the exact same lift hill! They were able to take part of the roller coaster section from it and then just transitioned it into a complete full circuit roller coaster. 


You can even see some homage is paid to Buzzsaw Falls from the queue of Powder Keg. On top of the roof, you will see one of the old carts. I love how it gives the impression that the track was blasted and ended up like that. Also, you will see some track that looks like it has been Blown apart. Always great to see little nods to the history of a park put on display.

One of the old cars for Buzzsaw Falls can be seen blasted to the roof of Powder Keg at Silver Dollar City
One of the old cars for Buzzsaw Falls can be seen blasted to the roof of Powder Keg at Silver Dollar City

The Story Continues

Buzzsaw Falls at Silver Dollar City officially ceased operations for the 2003 season. With how popular and great of a ride that Powder Keg is while some may miss the ride that was the ride that is is pretty darn great. Unquestionably everyone needs to get to Silver Dollar City and experience this coaster collection. While Buzzsaw Falls didn’t work it is a testament to a park that does things differently.

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