Linus' Launcher entrance sign has Linus's being dragged by Snoopy in the motion of the ride.

Linus’ Launcher at Worlds of Fun

Linus’ Launcher at Worlds of Fun has been operating since 2016, designed and manufactured by Zamperla from their Kite Flyer model. Riders hop into a cage for some spinning and flying excitement. Not the most comfortable, but it can be a lot of fun.

Linus’ Launcher at Worlds of Fun Experience

Linus’ Launcher at Worlds of Fun sits towards the back of the park in the Planet Snoopy section, next to SNOOPY’S™ Space Buggies and SNOOPY’S™ Junction. While this can attract a lot of riders, it is rare to wait in a long line. Riders must be 42 inches to ride alone, but anyone between 42 and 36 can ride if an adult accompanies them. You lay on your stomach, and a cage will lock you into place while the ride is in motion. Once the ride attendant has checked all restraints, get ready to fly!

Linus' Launcher in full motion with excited faces shown.

As the cycle begins, the ride will rotate around the structure while your cage will raise a couple of feet in the air. Then it will start to tilt slightly to one side. The area that is tilting will continually change throughout the flight. The ride duration is about a minute and a half. Once the ride has come to a complete stop, the ride attendant will give the all-clear. Then, you can undo the restraint and exit the ride safely.

Linus’ Launcher at Worlds of Fun: The Good

This one draws your attention from the color scheme to the sheer novelty of its design. People don’t just walk past this one; they stare at it for a while. Timber Wolf is lurking in the background to boot! Then when the ride starts, you can feel a buzz through the crowd. Attractions that create excitement from those on and off make for great fun!

It isn’t just a good-looking ride; it’s also a blast! You get some decent force as soon as the ride begins. Because there is something so unusual about the position you are laying, it gives a scary feeling that only gets better when the ride starts to tilt. Flat Rides can wear out their welcome when all they do is the same thing over and over again. With Linus’ Launcher, you are constantly shifting, dipping, and rising so that it never gets old.

Many adults looking on as the ride is in motion.

We think of Linus’ Launcher as a hybrid kid ride. It looks like a kid ride and is themed to a kiddie property. However, it accommodates adults just fine and is more thrilling than your average kid ride usually is. So is it a kid or family ride? Who cares? It’s just a wonderful experience that everyone should experience!

The Bad

The cage that you lay in isn’t comfortable. It isn’t like you will be in it for hours, so it isn’t a huge deal. Still, for all ages and sizes, it is just impossible to get cozy on this. The ride doesn’t make quick shifts in motion, but you will have a few uncomfortable movements inside the ride as it goes. Maybe just us, but it seemed impossible to figure out how to shift our heads so that it wouldn’t feel unpleasant on our necks. These things add up to a ride we love but don’t do multiple rides.

The ride is about 10 feet in the air.

Final Verdict

Linus’ Launcher at Worlds of Fun is a wonderful addition to the park. Visually this ride draws you in. With above-average intensity and a unique ride experience, this is one of the must-rides of Planet Snoopy. It can be uncomfortable, but not to the point that we wouldn’t recommend it. Because of these reasons, Linus’ Launcher at Worlds of Fun gets an eight out of ten.

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The cages rising up at the start of the cycle.
Linus’ Beetle Bugs at Worlds of Fun