Eagles Flight at Holiday World

Eagles Flight at Holiday World

Eagles Flight has been in operation at Holiday World since 1976. This is the park’s Flying Scooter ride. Perfect for families who like to spin and get a mildly thrilling experience.

Eagles Flight queue line and ride while spinning.

Eagles Flight Rider Experience

Once you are allowed to board 2 people can gather in each eagle. Whoever weighs less should go first. There is one seat belt to secure both riders. Once the ride-op clears you to ride all the eagles will begin to spin around the structure. When that gets some speed, you are able to manipulate the eagle’s head to change the wind resistance. If you point towards the ride it will make you go lower. If you point it away from the ride you will catch more air. We find the change in motion is the best when you keep changing up what you are doing to get that whip.

Eagles Flight: The Good

We believe that good-looking rides are just more fun. This is an old ride but you wouldn’t know it from looking at it. The theming is spot on and the eagles look fantastic. Very impressive how good of a job Holiday World has kept this ride looking through the years.

Eagles Flight is just pure fun. The sense of motion is awesome. Flat Rides can really get old if they just do the same thing over and over again. What is so much fun about this ride is that any time you are bored with it you change the motion by moving the eagle’s head.

Eagles Flight rider pointing the eagle's head towards the ride.

Our favorite thing about this ride is that it has a great combination of being thrilling but also a great family ride. As long as a rider is 36 inches they can ride with someone 54 inches. So even small kids can have a blast on this great ride!

The Bad

We have no complaints about the look or how the ride has been maintained. About the biggest complaint, we can speak of for this is that the ride can take a while to unload and load again. So even though you could be waiting in a small line it will sometimes take a while for your turn. Small Gripe here but really wish that Holiday World would make more impressive entrance signs for their rides.

This ride looks brand new.

Final Verdict

Eagles Flight is a great attraction at Holiday World. Perfect for anyone that likes to spin and if you have kids looking for a good thrill. The ride has been maintained so well and just looks great. The Complaints we have are very minor. Because of these reasons, Eagles Flight on a scale of one to ten gets an eight.

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Holiday World Roller Coasters