Casa Mia at Kentucky Kingdom

Casa Mia at Kentucky Kingdom

Casa Mia at Kentucky Kingdom is a cafeteria-style restaurant. Conveniently located at the very front of the park. Expect to find your classic theme park food in a cafeteria-style setup. Perfect for anyone that wants the food now and is willing to sacrifice a little on the quality.

Casa Mia at Kentucky Kingdom: Experience

The dining area at Casa Mia is huge. So unless the park is overrun, then you will find seating. As long as the weather is nice you can also choose the outdoor patio. The menu here is just your typical options. Burgers, chicken strips, pretzels, and pizza are already made and waiting for you to pick them up. You just go in, choose from under a heat lamp, and pay at the cash register.

Casa Mia at Kentucky Kingdom: The Good

If you have ever waited in a line for 20 plus minutes trying to get food for your family at a theme park, then you will appreciate what this restaurant is trying to do. You can go in there grab what you want, pay, and be sitting down eating in a matter of a few minutes.

Casa Mia Cheeseburger with fries. Served in a to go basket.
The bread was the best part.

There is something to be said about giving the masses what they want. If the majority of people that eat at theme parks want a certain type of food, then we say give it to them. Also, this place offers the convenience of taking a big group, and everyone can have what they want. It is smart to have a place like this that will serve up the classics under one roof.

The Bad

The food here wasn’t all that great. Take the burger as an example. A burger made a while ago and is sitting there can only be so good. Same situation with the fries. We don’t want to give the impression that this food is horrible because it isn’t. But paying for food at a theme park isn’t exactly cheap. There is some great food at Kentucky Kingdom, but this isn’t the place.

The inside of the cheeseburger. Not exactly fresh looking.
The meat leaves something to be desired.

Final Verdict

Casa Mia at Kentucky Kingdom is an okay restaurant. If time-crunched or just trying to feed a big group with diverse options, this will do the job. We were pretty negative but we would eat here again. For the fact that sometimes you just want a meal, and don’t love the idea of standing in a long line to get it. The food won’t knock anyone’s socks off, but it isn’t even close to the worst theme park food we have ever had. Because of these reasons Casa Mia gets a five and a half out of ten.

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