Go Fresh Café at Six Flags St. Louis

Go Fresh Café at Six Flags St. Louis is the park’s attempt at offering healthy options for hungry park-goers. Full disclosure of your humble reviewer, I am not looking for healthy options at the theme park.

Go Fresh Café at Six Flags: Overview

Go Fresh Café offers up salads, wraps, subs, and chicken sandwiches. Everything here is meant to give the illusion that it’s healthier. So instead of getting french fries, you get baked potato chips.

The food itself seems fine if you’re into this type of thing. Yet if I’m wanting a chicken sandwich I would rather have it deep-fried with french fries. However, just because I don’t care for this place doesn’t mean I don’t like it.

Go Fresh Café at Six Flags caters to a different audience.

Theme parks would do well to try to cater to broader audiences. So if one of the reasons your friend doesn’t want to go to a theme park with you is because they don’t have anything that they want to eat, then I think it’s wise for places like go fresh café to exist. Just because I’m not looking for healthy options doesn’t mean that others aren’t.

2021 update

If you’re reading this close to the year 2021 which is when I am writing it, be warned that Go Fresh Café hasn’t been opened for over a year. It’s in the back of the park close to the Screamin’ Eagle. So maybe it’s not in prime real estate. Yet since the 2020 Covid pandemic, they have not opened this restaurant. While I don’t care to eat here, I hope that Six Flags will open this once the parks get back to normal operation.

Final Verdict

Is Go Fresh Café good? This one is just not for me yet my wife likes this place. So I think the answer to this question is do you want a healthy option while visiting a theme park? If the answer to eat that is yes then you will like Go Fresh Café. For myself, I’ll stick to funnel cakes and double-cheeseburgers. On a scale of one to ten, I give go fresh café a,… I don’t know. Oh, I guess an eight. 🙂

Pros: healthier options

Cons: healthier options

If you liked this post or found it helpful then please consider sharing with your friends, family, or fellow theme park enthusiast. Please post your questions, or thoughts on First Cone Parlor in the comments. For a breakdown of all your eating options while at Six Flags St. Louis. Also, you can visit the park’s official site for information on the Dining Pass.