Taz Twisters at Six Flags St. Louis

Taz Twisters at Six Flags, St. Louis was installed in 2006, along with all of the other rides that are located in Bugs Bunny National Park. This is the kid version of the classic teacup ride.

Taz Twisters at Six Flags: Overview and Analysis

Kids sit inside A teacup-like pod. They are able to manually spin the pod by using the wheel that’s in front of them. If your kid is strong enough they can get this going spinning very fast.

In order to ride you have to be a minimum of 36 inches, and no taller than 54 inches. Sadly, adults are not able to get onto this ride.

Taz Twisters is almost the exact same ride as Elmer Fudd‘s Weather Balloons except for the element of going up and down is taken out. This one will be better for younger children, and Elmer Fudd‘s weather balloons will be better if they’re looking for a little bit more thrills.

Final Verdict

Taz Twisters is a fun spinning kid ride. I prefer the ones that let adults ride. Yet, I see kids having fun on it every time we go. On a scale of one to ten, I give Taz Twisters at Six Flags St. Louis a seven.

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