The Logo for the site. Looks like a wooden coaster with the name of the site written on top.

Theme Park and Coaster Crazy Introduction

The Logo for the site. Looks like a wooden coaster with the name of the site written on top.

Welcome fellow Theme Park and Coaster Crazy people. I am excited To interact with fans of this industry. Whether you are died in the wool fan, or just doing some research for an upcoming road trip, there will be something for you here.

Theme Park and Coaster Crazy: About Myself

I loved roller coasters even before I was able to ride one. I grew up in St. Louis Missouri and spent a lot of days at Six Flags Over-Mid America. Now called Six Flags St. Louis. The River King Mine Train ended up being my first real roller coaster. I thought I loved roller coasters prior to riding them. After that first ride, I was a Coaster Enthusiast. An obsession truly had taken hold.

As I’ve gotten older, I have come to appreciate all things theme parks. While stuff like the water rides, flat rides, food, games, shows, etc. didn’t use to mean much to me. Now I see it all as integral to the experience. I live for my vacation time when I can go visit destinations parks.

Theme Park and Coaster Crazy: What You will find Here

You can always go to the official site of whatever Theme Park you’re thinking about visiting. Yet I never find those helpful. Seems no matter what, everything is glossy. I would rather hear from a fan than the business. If I think a park or the industry needs to be better then I will call it out. Also, I will shout the praises of what they’re doing right.

I keep very close track of what is going on in this industry. So you will be able to find all the latest industry news as well.

Thanks for visiting!

Summed up, my hope for this site as I build it out is to make any fans a one-stop-shop for all things theme park and coaster related. If you have any thoughts, suggestions, or general questions please let me know about them in the comments.

Theme parks really matter. I think they are an essential pastime, and I can’t wait to share my love of this with you.

Jared of